We are an affiliate vendor for several reputable merchants who are aligned with our core values. They are either practicing fair trade or representing studio artists. This helps us in two ways: bringing in products our members might not have and generating income that can help us keep our prices low for our members.

You can support us by clicking through over to our affiliate partners through their shop buttons on their products or on the banners below. If you purchase anything on their sites while you are exploring, we will receive a commission. Click on the name to see what we have in our market. Click on the banner to go straight to their sites.

Thank you for supporting handmade!


Our Affiliate Merchants



Décor and fashion from around the world. Great fair trade blankets, baskets and table top!

Accompany - Modern Bohemian Home, ethically made


Malia Designs

Handmade and Fair Trade in Cambodia using recycled or sustainable materials. Committed to stop human trafficking.


Matr Boomie

Fair Trade from India.


Modern Artisans

Handmade in the United States and Canada.



Ten Thousand Villages

Fair Trade from around the world.



Jurassic World x Accompany Movie Collection




Eco Friendly Jewelry